Looking for a hotel for several nights or longer? Whether vacationing, traveling for work, or relocating across town or across the country, WoodSpring Suites extended stay hotels offer something most other extended stay hotels don’t – the perfect balance of comfort and value. How are we different? We provide all guests with what they need - a comfortable, clean, well-appointed room with in-room kitchen - and then offer more, for a fair price, to guests who want a little more. Guest laundry machines, vending, dishes and cooking items, higher speed wi-fi, smoking hotel rooms, non-smoking hotel rooms, and pet-friendly hotel rooms are all available at most locations. Our friendly staff makes sure every guest feels welcome and comfortable, even after hours. It’s the freedom to choose. It’s everything you need to relax and be productive. It's all this and more at a reasonable price. It’s Simple. Done Better.
Find WoodSpring Suites extended stay hotels at all of the destinations below.
- Birmingham
- Huntsville
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- Chandler
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- Mesa
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- Tolleson
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- Bakersfield
- Bellflower
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